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Ecostrip 8700




ECOSTRIP 8700 is a non flammable, twin phase immersion type paint stripper designed for use at ambient temperatures.  The lower phase is based on methylene chloride and contains accelerators to promote its effectiveness in stripping applications, whilst the upper phase contains a corrosion inhibition package which also helps to reduce any evaporative losses.

ECOSTRIP 8700 is ideally suited to many reconditioning and maintenance cleaning operations where it can be used as a decarboniser and paint stripper for use on engines, motors and other associated components.

ECOSTRIP 8700 is suitable for use on most metals however, care should be taken with resin based plastics or rubbers since these will be attacked and may swell.  Tests should always be carried out to determine the compatibility of the product with any substrate prior to use.


ECOSTRIP 8700 should be used as supplied in a tank with suitable extraction systems. If possible the entire contents of the drum should be used. In the case of smaller volumes the drum should be agitated to ensure good mixing before decanting. Components should be immersed in the solvent (lower layer) until deposits are removed and then carefully withdrawn through the water seal. A pressure rinse can then be used if required to remove any further loose deposits.


Appearance: Clear brown lower phase, yellow upper phase
Odour: Characteristic solvent
Density: Typically 1.25 g cm3 (lower) and 1.01 g cm3 (upper)
Flammability: Non flammable
Storage conditions: Store in closed containers in a cool ventilated area
Recommended shelf life: 12 months

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